‘Ninty Fresh’ off the press!
Nothing stays the same forever. It’s a fact of life. Through iteration and innovation, we’ve seen changes to the way that people do almost everything. Consuming content is a fine example, with an all-digital approach having fast become the norm. With instant access to a variety of rich media, it’s easy to see why. That being said, print media is still alive and kicking, and many believe that the joys associated with receiving your favourite magazine each month can’t be replicated. The team behind Ninty Fresh, a brand new and independently run magazine, definitely do.

Responsible for another fantastic publication in the form of Switch Player Magazine – the only monthly Nintendo Switch magazine on the market – the team of writers and editors have made use of their years of experience and passion for print to produce an A4 magazine that harkens back to the good ol’ days of EMAP’s Nintendo Official Magazine, Future’s Official Nintendo Magazine, Retro Gamer and NGamer.
There’s a hole in the market. As we said, with no Nintendo magazines at all in the UK since 2014 and the recent demise of corporate multi-format publications in general (like GamesMaster and GamesTM) there’s a huge lack of Nintendo coverage in print form. Whilst there are enthusiast ventures available, we craved something that completely covered and encompassed Nintendo’s vast history. Something that looks at the retro aspect and well as the new, with a fresh perspective on things. So, we thought we would make one: Ninty Fresh. Something that will cater for ALL of Nintendo. From NES to Switch.
As of right now, the Kickstarter has been running for 10 days and has seen more than £11,000 pledged! The original goal of £2,000 seems a distant memory and proves that there is a place in the market for Ninty Fresh, particularly given that there have been no Nintendo magazines in the UK since 2014. There are 80 pages of content in Issue 1 with notable highlights including; an interview with former NOM Editor Tim Street; a NES retrospective from the legendary Chris Scullion (author of the NES and SNES encyclopaedia’s); a retro review of The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, and much more.

Our intention is to bring a range of enjoyable content in each issue. With editorials looking at the latest big Nintendo story, what’s happened since the last Nintendo magazines, huge cover features as well as system recaps and informative interviews, all interwoven with amazing artwork, the latest reviews and even some fun and games! Oh, and fan content. We want your stuff. Letters (or emails), tweets, questions, artwork – all that sort of thing. We will be in touch closer to the launch with more details about those bits.
To find out how Ninty Fresh is daring to be different while also offering a nostalgic nod to the magazines of yesteryear, click the link to the Kickstarter. You can also follow them on Twitter for the latest updates at @NintyFreshMag. From everyone here at Rapid Reviews, we wish the team every success for the future. It certainly is an exciting time for fans of print, and for £5 plus postage, it looks as though it could be money well spent.