Leisure Suit Larry Wet Dreams Don’t Dry Review
Game Details
Title: Leisure Suit Larry Wet Dreams Don’t Dry
Developer: CrazyBunch
Publisher: Assemble Entertainment
Website: https://www.crazybunch.biz/games/leisure-suit-larry-wet-dreams-dont-dry/
Genre: Point and Click, Puzzle
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Audience: 18+
Release Date: 13/06/19
Price: £35.99 – Rapid Reviews UK were very kindly provided with a review code for this title.
What the Developers say
Hey ladies, I’m back in business! My new adventure, Leisure Suit Larry – Wet Dreams Don’t Dry, takes me – whatever the route or twist of fate – from the end of the ’80s directly into the 21st century and wow, how the world has changed! While my view of the world and women from way back in the 1980s collides with modern reality harder than the breasts of a lusciously stacked blonde jogging along a beach, I’m all set to date my way across the modern world!
In a “point & click” adventure I’d call typical for the genre we mutually experience how I fall head-over-heels in love with Faith, the hot-to-trot assistant to the boss at Prune, a technology enterprise successful worldwide. Since even dating is done digitally nowadays, the first thing I have to do is to work on my score at Timber, the totally hip, can’t-get-anywhere-without-it dating app where I date women, satisfy their needs, and accordingly pick up points for my Timber profile. And whenever I get a chance in between, always briefly check out a few new bikini pix at Instacrap – the 21st century is gnarly smill!

Leisure Suit Larry has a long-running history with video games. Initially starting in the late 80’s; Larry Laffer has been squirming his way through many different console iterations trying to charm the pants (quite literally) off any hot-blooded female he can get a hold of. This has been my first encounter with Larry, and it has undoubtedly made a lasting impression. I’m a big fan of the point and click genre, so I jumped at the opportunity to play this classic series.

Set in the modern day, Larry Laffer is on a mission to get a date with the hot, blonde “Prune” Executive; Faith. There are a whole heap of technology and pop culture references to be seen during your time playing; so keep your eyes and ears peeled. A few of the more obvious ones would be “Instacrap”, “Farcebook” and the app you use for dating in the game; “Timbur”. As I said previously, it’s a traditional point and click adventure title, and if you’re familiar with the Larry games, then you’ll be used to its crude humour too. When they put the 18+ age rating on this one, they weren’t kidding. There’s no end of sexual innuendo’s and filthy one-liners so if that isn’t your style you probably won’t find a lot of enjoyment. Throw in some incredibly odd inventory items and combinations, and you’ve got one downright whacky adventure!
To score a date with Faith, she tasks you with getting a score of at least 90 Timbur points. Luckily you have a brand new “PiPhone” that becomes your trusty assistant. From calling a cab to browsing your inventory, you’ll be using it for pretty much everything. Exploring the different locations you use the right analogue stick to control the cursor, which luckily can be adjusted as the default is incredibly slow, to look for points of interest. The left analogue stick will move Larry, and it’s a tap of the A button to interact with an object if you want to know more about something, you can tap the X button for a description. There’s plenty of puzzles to get to grips with as well which usually require a specific combination of items. So far, so point and click.
Audio & Visual

Leisure Suit Larry gives us a beautiful hand-drawn cartoon art style. It looks, and there’s visually no difference between playing handheld or on the TV. There’s a ton of interesting slogans, posters and pop culture references throughout; even featuring some great Drag Race gags for anyone who’s a fan of the show. The characters are quirky in nature and design, and some are let down with poor dialogue. For example, one of the first girls you meet is Becky, and she’s obsessed with Instacrap, good angles, perfect lighting and #nofilter. We’ve all met the type. But her dialogues, in particular, seemed to feel bloated and too wordy. But then you’ve got the two guys that run the local hipster joint (complete with a vegan menu & giant beards), and their dialogue works a lot better.

The locations are all very different. You are going from big corporation buildings (incredibly phallic in structure) to a gloomy bar and seedy nightclubs to giant mansions and a rundown pier. It provides a good variety to not get stale. Musically the audio is very mixed, changing to whichever environment you’re in, and I enjoyed the music. Outside Lefty’s Bar which you’ll visit quite frequently, its got a very L. A Noire type feel to it.
There isn’t a ton of replayability value to Leisure Suit Larry. There aren’t achievements in the Switch version, and once you’ve run through the main story, there’s little reason to visit again. If you’re a big fan of the humour, then go right ahead, or perhaps to revisit some things you might not have noticed on the first playthrough.

Leisure Suit Larry Wet Dreams Don’t Dry (what a mouthful) is a fun romp. It’s your classic point and click gameplay, mixed in with some filthy dialogue and a whole host on “in” jokes that I know were lost on me not having played the series previously. The opening quiz to prove your old enough to play the game was a little frustrating though; even though it’s only four questions I’d usually know 3 out of the 4! I think the inclusion of a hint function would have been welcome too, given that some of the item combinations are entirely off the wall you’d never think to combine them.

A solid entry for some lighthearted humour that pokes fun at all your usual stereotypes; people who are easily offended best stay clear though. Oh and children.
Rapid Reviews Rating

You can purchase Leisure Suit Larry Wet Dreams Don’t Dry from the Nintendo eShop at the following link, https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Games/Nintendo-Switch/Leisure-Suit-Larry-Wet-Dreams-Don-t-Dry-1558846.html
Btw, the opening quiz can be skipped at any time