From One Friendly Fortnite Beginner To Another…
If ever there was a lesson in how to build hype unlike anything seen before in video game history, Fortnite would be the one to teach it. Since its inception in 2017, it has become a worldwide phenomenon of epic proportions. Not one to rest on their laurels, Epic Games have continued to develop this game into the behemoth that it is today.
Last week, Fortnite players were subject to a blackout as the development team made preparations for the latest iteration in the saga, Chapter 2. Not only did this marketing stunt create an opportunity to introduce the new map and updated features, it also created fresh hype for a game that is now into its third year. That hype got me.
Since the update dropped mere days ago, hours have been lost exploring the new landscape, familiarising myself with the controls and purchasing a one-way ticket aboard the hype train. Having slept on Fortnite until now, I question why and how this came to pass. Not one to dwell on shoulda, woulda, coulda’s, I have instead chosen to share my Top 5 tips for a successful start to life on this New World.

Soak in the sounds
The new update has brought with it a fresh take on the use of sound in Fortnite. Providing realism and accuracy like never before, you can now hear above, below and around you. Many a time I have snuck up on an unsuspecting victim by listening out for the all-important footsteps coming from a nearby location. Sound has proven to be one of my greatest allies in battle, and I recommend a good pair of headphones for a fully immersive experience.
Peripheral Mission
Even though some of the missions are the wrong side of bizarre, there is no greater way to get to grips with all the game has to offer than to make a point to complete them. Each mission comes with an associated amount of XP, and they have been designed to introduce you to the new features that Chapter 2 brings with it. Get that Fishing Rod out and catch yourself a new weapon!
Take aim
It is all too easy to treat Fortnite like any other online shooter. Many of the greatest games over the years have rewarded stealth and reinforced this by highlighting your position on the map if you take a shot. In stark contrast, it seems the development team are keen for the carnage to ensue. My advice is to take shots wherever possible, even if it seems slightly out of reach. The chances are that someone else is attacking too, and if you aren’t the one receiving the XP for eliminating the enemy, you will at least be getting some for assisting. The Assault Rifle is an excellent weapon for this and is my weapon of choice.

To tree or not to tree
Frowned upon in many a gaming community, ‘camping’ is by far one of the most controversial topics among online shooter enthusiasts. That being said, it often provides the most fun. Landing atop a tree in Fortnite is an excellent way to remain incognito, stay out of immediate danger and slowly start to make your impact on the game. This is especially useful during the latter stages of the match when the storm hits and the area gets smaller. Try it out!
Around the survivors a perimeter create
As the aforementioned storm continues to hit and the game area gets smaller and smaller, I find there is many a reason to stay as close to the perimeters edge as possible. This way, you get a good view of the proceedings and can spot the areas where the most action is taking place. From here, you can decide on the right course of action.

Fortnite Chapter 2 is proving to be the game I didn’t know I had in my backlog. I am thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to jump back in after writing it off so early into its development. Admittedly, I was unaware of its many game modes and the quality of life improvements that have been made. Most of my time is now spent playing Team Rumble, and in my final piece of advice for any keen to get involved, select the game mode that suits you best. I like being able to respawn and dive straight back in, so Team Rumble is the one for me.
If you have found the new update has given Fortnite a new lease of life for you, let us know. Equally, if you decide to try out any of our top tips, get in touch at @rapidreviewsuk. See you atop those trees!