• Far Cry 6 Review

    Reading Time: 6 minutesFar Cry 6 is finally here! Join Chelly in this Rapid Review as she walks you through why you should be playing this game!

  • Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl Review

    Reading Time: 4 minutesNickelodeon All-Star Brawl oozes with fun and begs to be played with friends and family. I truly hope this game receives the attention and credit it deserves. With an eager eye over the year ahead, I hope…

  • Life is Strange: True Colors Review

    Reading Time: 8 minutesRead our Rapid Review of Life is Strange: True Colors, joining Alex Chen who reunites with her brother in Haven Springs, uncovering secrets using the power of empathy.

  • Trigger Witch Review

    Reading Time: 4 minutesRecalling the visual style and intuitive gameplay of 16-bit action-adventure classics, Trigger Witch puts a ultra-violent spin on cute and colorful pixel art. With a compelling and original narrative, puzzling environments to explore, a dynamic soundtrack, twin-stick…

  • Freddy Spaghetti 2 Review

    Reading Time: 4 minutesAs it turns out, the adventures of Freddy Spaghetti are far from over. Read on to find out if the second instalment is worth your pennes.

  • WRC 10 Review

    Reading Time: 5 minutesWRC 10 is an incredible rally game that improves and builds upon the foundation set by the previous title WRC 9. Find out why in this Rapid Review.

  • A Little Lily Princess Review

    Reading Time: 4 minutesIn British-controlled India, Sara Crewe was raised like a princess, always given the best of everything. Now that she is old enough, she must be sent away to boarding school in a foreign land, relying on her…

  • Synth Riders PSVR Review

    Reading Time: 4 minutesRead our energetic Rapid Review of Synth Riders on PSVR. A rhythm matching title for all players and VR experience levels.

  • Guilty Gear Strive Review

    Reading Time: 4 minutesRead our review of Guilty Gear Strive on PS5. It's an incredibly polished, accessible, and enjoyable fighting game.

  • Hades PlayStation 5 Review

    Reading Time: 4 minutesHades was a top-scoring review when we took a look at it on the Nintendo Switch. How did the PlayStation 5 port fare? Find out more here.

  • F1 2021 Review

    Reading Time: 7 minutesF1 2021 continues to raise the bar for future Formula 1 titles. What has changed? What has remained the same? Find out in this Rapid Review!

  • Sun Wukong Vs. Robot Review

    Reading Time: 5 minutesSun Wukong Vs. Robot is a brief Metroidvania with fluid movement. Is this simple title a must-play or is it a waste of your precious time?