BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre Review
Fast Facts
Title: BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre
Developer: Big Way
Publisher: Big Way
Genre: RPG, Shooter, Action
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Age Rating: PEGI 16
Release Date: 10/10/19
Price: £26.99 – Rapid Reviews was very kindly provided with a review code for this title.
This review is going to feature some adult content and can offend with some of the themes running through this game. Still here? Ok. Strap in, this game’s dying to meet you.
The Boss’ Son
BDSM’s star of the show is Lou, the intoxicated, foul-mouthed, gun-slinging son of the Devil. He’s taken it upon himself to save Hell after people have overrun it. Not just any people, however, the vilest of corporations, the fast-food industry who are harvesting demon meat for juicy burgers.
Now, one look at the title art of this and you’ll notice it’s not taking things seriously. Think Duke Nukem, meets Doom, meets Dungeon Keeper. It’s a top-down, twin-stick shooter, where you romp through chapters head-butting breasts, drinking booze, fornicating and of course, shooting everything you see.

Each chapter is pretty linear. There isn’t much in the way of a waypoint or map, but a couple of laps of the same place as you progress and you’ll figure you’ve missed a switch somewhere to open the next area.
The game has a variety of weaponry, and they get bigger the further you go, I’m sure this is purely coincidental. Starting with the pistol and shotgun, you move to a machine gun and more. Each weapon also has an alternate fire mode, and this is pretty cool as these modes can offer “relief” in crowded circumstances and may help change the tide of battle.
As you kill enemies, they explode into blood and guts and spill orbs and ammo, both as useful as the other but grab those orbs to fill your rage bar and you’ll unleash a devastating attack!
Each chapter ends with a boss fight. Now, these can be quite tricky and very busy with minions, so keep an eye on your health bar; otherwise, Lou will ridicule you for dying. A good trick is to save the Rage bar for when you’re overrun.
At the start of most chapters is an old man who offers you upgrades for credits and a mini-game using the directional buttons. This mini-game feels like a time waster to get a couple of extra credits.
There’s also an RPG element to the game, as you progress you unlock skill points that you can attribute in any order you like. How you get these though can seem random, and your game will pause to let you know you’ve got another! Sometimes you’ll collect one skill point, but the next upgrade requires two, so why bother pausing the game at all?

Killer Looks?
The visual elements seem well made, there are lots of character models, and some of them even have some “interesting” looks. However, I’m not sure they were designed for the small screen, or at least, translate well onto the Switch display. Looking at trailers for other platforms, I feel it works better on PC screens.
The audio is as barbaric as you want it to be, profanities, sexual moans and groans, gunfire, explosions and Lou’s hoofs that clip away at the floor as he’s running around!

Ride or Die
This game thrives itself on pop culture references, and there are references to the Doom slayers, Peter Griffin, John Wick, Pewdiepie, Hitler in fishnets and many more.
Once you get past the initial shock value of some of the things happening, you can focus on the gameplay, which isn’t groundbreaking by any means but offers a carnage style shooting experience, where violence is the only solution.
Oh, don’t forget to scrub up on your sex education too, as there’s some trivia randomly slotted in the game!

Likelihood to recommend
If you want gratuitous violence and sex with demons, amongst other things, then possibly this is the game for you. However, at £26.99, I’d say that’s a bit too much money.
Rapid Reviews Rating

You can purchase BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre from the Nintendo eShop on the following link,