Avengers Endgame (Spoiler Free) Rapid Review
The grave course of events set in motion by Thanos that wiped out half the universe and fractured the Avengers ranks compels the remaining Avengers to take one final stand in Marvel Studios’ grand conclusion to twenty-two films, “Avengers: Endgame.”
2008 was a pretty good year for superhero movies. Christopher Nolan released The Dark Knight to critical and audience acclaim, and then my favourite comic book company was also working directly with the movie studios to release two movies in a row based on their comics. They promised they would be faithful to my beloved source material, but having been burned so many times before I held out little to no hope. Then in the days running up to Iron Man’s release I heard that I should stay to the end after the credits, because there was an easter egg or comic fans hidden away there.
When Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury said the word “Avengers” I knew something special was happening. Even more so when Robert Downey Jr. appeared later than year in Incredible Hulk. A connected universe, the likes of which nobody had ever even thought to attempt in cinema before.

But what about this actual film we came to the review to read about?
Okay I get it, it’s been eleven years let me get a little emotional. I’m not going to really tell you anything that isn’t in the description that Marvel put out for the film I’ve copied in above. This film centres on the original six Avengers, closing out the arcs started (for some) more than ten films and ten years ago. But I think we all knew that by the way that this film has been marketed.
Speaking of the marketing, the trailer I posted up top and the other trailer that is out there shows maybe 10-20 seconds of footage not found in the first 15-20 minutes of the movie. Marvel has been incredibly restrained in really telling you nothing about this movie, and I’ll do the same.
The first act is very much a sombre affair, showing the reaction of the characters and the world at large to Thanos’ snappening from Infinity War. This really brings home what life would be like if half the people you knew just disappeared. We see piles of cars, we see huge memorials. One of the Avengers is out of superhero life, leading a support group telling people to move on but is unable to themselves. One has been completely consumed by their dark side. One is spinning their wheels still trying to do their best to keep the world safe. Two of the team actually seem have almost moved on, and have made lives for themselves in the post-snap world.

As with every movie like this eventually a macguffin appears that will let them fix what Thanos broke and the team is gathered together, somewhat reluctantly in some cases. What follows is a tour of the MCU’s greatest (and not so greatest) hits, which as a longtime fan really succeeded for me.
We end with a climactic battle that makes those seen in previous Avengers movies look like simple and small affairs, with what I thought was a very emotional and satisfying ending.
This is what Endgame is all about really, tying off loose ends. Every major character from the series gets a line, and even a lot of the minor ones too. Marvel makes time to give big emotional payoffs to many characters and their relationships, especially to those six original Avengers.
I won’t lie to you and tell you that you can watch this film without much knowledge of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. You’ll need to be at least familiar with the Avengers, Captain America and Iron Man movies. I’d also say you should watch the Thor and Guardians of the Galaxy series too.
The thing with Endgame is that it is a payoff for all the side-stories and easter eggs from 22 films. If you’ve seen and enjoyed most of those movies you’ll most likely enjoy Endgame. It was an emotional rollercoaster for me, even on the second viewing.
Bring tissues, and make sure you go to the toilet beforehand. It doesn’t feel like a three hour movie, but it definitely is one!

Rapid Reviews UK Rating